I am now sat on a comfy, double bed in a lovely room in the Iona hostel. It has a cute, wooden storage unit with loads of space, a rocking chair and a desk. I feel peaceful, huge tsunami waves of stress have petered out and I feel I am home.
I don’t mean to be dramatic ( or maybe I do ha ha ) but the previous days since my last post were stressfull – like Star Wars, Battle of the Five Armies, fighting ” he who shall not be named” etc all rolled into one. This was internal and also external influences ( like trying to find somewhere to live on return from Iona)
Riding a rollercoaster – riding a wave of bliss with a Dru yoga session and then releasing sadness and grief – relationship issues of lonliness, hurt, conflict, misunderstandings, mirroring/projection, rejection, competitiveness, being left out, paranoia etc – all creating a riot in my head – meditation – and herbal soothing of my cogs to release the pressure.
BTW before we go any further ( as Meatloaf sez) my writing is unedited and is purely a stream of consciousness ( altho I do make notes as stuff occurs to me) – I learned about a cognitive pattern called ” Knight’s move thinking” when I was a young Psyche nurse. This MAY explain how my mind works.
My mate tells me the planets are doing weird tings !!!so peeps in general are going through a hard time – so THATS alright then !!! I then have a good laugh and feel better.
I am pretty ready for Iona but could do with more time but give into pressure from the social care agency I work for, to work from 8am until 11pm on the Saturday and then I come out of the unit, to find both my wing mirrors hanging on by a thread. So this leaves Sunday ( with other tings to do inc applying for a house) to sort it. At one stage I went into a panic attack, took some Bach flower ” Rescue Remedy”, had a little cry and then had help from a lovely Lady, to use duck tape to strap my wing mirrors back up.
The day then got better, as I spent time with my lovely grotbag son, stuffed my face with a massive Chinese take out and then gave reiki to my friend.
The feeling of freedom as I was driving up the M6 was joyful, spreading myself across the bed in the Premier Inn ( yes Lenny I did get a good night’s sleep) whilst listening to Hildegard Von Bingen ( I lead SUCH a rock n’roll lifestyle ha ha ). Driving through beautiful scenery to Oban, talking to a lovely Lady, local, who is elderly and a pantheist ( is that spelled correctly ?) who put me right about the Sea Eagles, saying they murder swans !!!
Enjoying the invigorating air, on board the ferry to Mull, a funky drive across Mull, hopping on board a boat to Iona and YAY – as I said – I am here – and Goddess Domnu – Goddess of Water, sat on the sandy beach – waves – pure – frothy – cascading into shore – the sound, sight, smell and vibration cleansing and rejuvenating – thank Goddess I am here – otherwise I prob would have internally combusted ??.
Anyway I start work in 25 mins – I am so excited and I just cant hide it !!, I will concentrate on being softly spoken – as I am know for being loud and when I get excited – the volume goes up even more – so I am gonna be the quiet Yorkshire Pud – hey hey xxxx

Six more sleeps

I am now sleeping in a healing room with a powerful and peaceful vibration. This has transpired four days ago and I feel it is meant to be – for further preparing me for Iona.
I have had a vision for a few years – of a cliff top and FLYING – soaring through the sky – diving, flowing with the air currents, skimming over the twinkling sea in the sunlight, gliding over the land. It reminds me of the absolute freedom as described in the “Jonathon Livingstone Seagull” bk.
I am aware that there is a Sea Eagles sanctuary on Mull, the island next to Iona and plan to visit it.
I feel joyful at the thought of it.
I remember an NLP trainer, in the training session, after observing me in a particular exercise, saying about me ” Watch this one, she is a flyer !”
I received a message from Goddess Brighid, channelled by Ian Kelly, saying she could not wait to meet me out in the nature of Iona, where the ” Veil will be lifted”.

On Monday I stood under a beautiful local waterfall, surrounded by rainbows and being blessed by the Water Faeries. I had a reflexology session from a powerful healer ( and friend), she pressed into my Solar Plexus points and an explosion of violet light in my third eye caused me to jump and say ” JESUS” rather loudly !!
Today I did some strong, precise and masculine yoga in the am with an Iyengar teacher. Wonderful for strengthening my back and loosening sciatic nerve. In the evening I did feminine, flowing and funky Dru yoga. One of the exercises was for empowering self esteem and included an Eagle posture – and the teacher asked us to visualise flying like an eagle over the sea !!! – synchro MAGICK !!! Hmmmmm FEAR OF FLYING ???? – LET IT GO !!!

Preparing for Iona

I am ten sleeps from travelling to Iona. I will be working for four hours a day, five days a week at the Iona hostel.
I went there last year with my friend Julie, for four nights. I had been wanting to go there for many years and when the ferry was pulling in to land on arrival I felt quite tearful and my heart glowed.
I have felt a preparation going on mentally, emotionally and physically. My body has decided that it does not require as much sugar so I have naturally withdrawn from cakes etc.
I feel a feeling of freedom growing, a tangible presence of freedom – peace in my heart and mind because my time to go to Iona is drawing nearer. Purity, being cleansed and washed clean mentally, emotionally and communing with nature and the elements and the GODDESS – my heart is being healed already – RHAPSODY !!!! XXXXXX

Calling in the MORRIGAN

As it is approaching Samhain ( Halloween) I am beginning to prepare myself to invoke and call in the Morrigan. This fills me with excitement and before really even starting I am feeling the power in advance – raw, primal, uncompromising POWER – BE WARNED BE CAREFUL TREAD CAREFULLY – WOW – SHAPESFIFTER – Phantom Queen of fear – Goddess of war – inspiring fearlessness and confidence within us – YAY – get ready to ROCK !!!

Earth Heart

Earth Heart

This is a very important time for Mother Earth and the Human race. Do you wonder why the synchronicities in your life are increasing??
We all belong to the web of connection. Are you living your heart’s desire??
People are waking up, opening their eyes, mind and heart. Are you a truth seeker??. As an individual and merging with others, seeing the similarities as well as the differances between people. To look within and see the world anew.
Earth Heart is a space for people to share and express their hopes, dreams, opinions and concerns. To speak from the heart about what it means to be human, experiencing life on Mother Earth.
Differant and similar folk with differant faiths, on differant/similar paths, holding differant beliefs – ALL WELCOME.
we are all going in the same direction??
We are open to a journey of discovery – moment by moment – participation and sharing with fellow travellars. Together and alone we may be able to unravel the knots in the threads of the web of life. We can pause on our path, cross the bridge and have a picnic/circle together.

speaking from my heart on life, the universe and everything